When you’re weary of the battle, you are ready to step onto the ancient and sacred path of Pilgrimage.
It is an observable truth that no one comes to find freedom until they have suffered enough that they will give anything and everything for what they seek. This type of fire is the place from which MyPilgrimage was born. In 2010, David and Seth Taylor had both come to the end of themselves. To them, it seemed that God had abandoned them or simply had no power to spare to help them with their porn addictions or depression or anxiety. They had done what most Christians were taught to do: go to war with the most sacred drives inside of themselves. And they were battle weary and searching for something or someone who was REAL.
Their quest lead them to a small counseling center in Anchorage, Alaska, where they began to learn that the Spirit that created the Universe and everything in it was more real than they had ever imagined. And that meant that what they were made of was an unspeakable Love that held unlimited power to heal and transform their lives. In almost no time at all, their porn addictions were gone and they found themselves on the sacred path of pilgrimage to the depths of their souls, searching for more and more of this unspeakable Love that had been talked about in their upbringing, yet they had known so little of in their lives.
My Pilgrimage is the story of David and Seth’s journey to freedom and the ongoing pilgrimage into the unknown as well as an invitation to join them in this Divine Grace.
We shall not cease from exploration; and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and know it for the first time.
- TS Eliot
“The word ‘gratitude’ doesn’t come close to expressing what I feel regarding my life. The Hope of Glory within me is something I will spend the rest of my life expressing to those in need. It’s literally the least I can give.” - Seth
Meet Dave and Seth
Seth Taylor is a writer, entrepreneur, Life Coach, and Cultural Revolutionary from Seattle, WA where he lives with his wife and two children. When he’s not speaking, writing, or helping people one on one, you’ll find him on a trail somewhere in the Pacific Northwest with friends and family.
David Taylor works for the family business on the Island of Maui in Hawaii. He is the producer and host of The MyPilgrimage Podcast, published weekly.